MNAPG has had several strategic plans over the years, and in 2018 we overhauled our process and moved to an ongoing, living plan with routine updates. Recent significant changes in the gambling landscape surrounding our work moves us to take our planning to the next level, and this year we have launched this focused review and update of our mission, goals, and key strategies.
In December 2022, MNAPG started its refresh plan process. The list below are all the supporting documents representing each phase of the process. On September 14, 2023, the MNAPG board of directors adopted the plan with revised goals and key strategies. Going forward staff work plans and activities will align with these and continue to live out our mission and values.
Strategic Planning Documents
- 2021-2022 MNAPG Performance Assessment
- Strategic Plan SWOT Results and Engagement Guidance 1.19.23
- MNAPG SWOT Graph Result
- MNAPG Round 1 Stakeholder Summary Analysis and Compilation
- MNAPG Round 2 Stakeholder Feedback: Compilation