MNAPG Partners with LSS Financial Counseling

MNAPG Partners with LSS Financial Counseling

Perhaps no other addiction damages one’s financial resources as much as gambling disorder. Indeed, the ability to regain financial health is a critical aspect of recovery from the addiction.

Recognizing the unique interplay between financial discipline and gambling recovery, MNAPG is excited to share a new and valuable resource for those experiencing issues from gambling — whether for the gambler or a family member affected by the gambler’s behavior. Starting in October, MNAPG began offering specialized financial counseling through the Financial Choice services of LSS Financial Counseling.

This joint effort pairs the financial expertise of LSS counselors with the problem gambling awareness training offered by MNAPG. Those who take advantage of this service will meet with a financial counselor who understands how gambling can negatively impact an individual or family’s finances.

This benefit provides access to six free and confidential financial counseling sessions. These sessions provide the guidance and support needed to address financial challenges brought on by problem gambling and to chart a path forward to financial stability.

The experienced and non-judgmental counselors at LSS Financial Counseling can help:

· Assess one’s current financial situation

· Create a personalized budget and debt management plan

· Develop strategies to avoid future financial pitfalls

· Set and achieve long-term financial goals

Sessions are available in person, by phone or online — whichever is most comfortable. Those interested in taking advantage of this free service should contact LSS Financial Counseling at 800-528-2926 and mention assistance for problem gambling to schedule an appointment. LSS Financial Counseling is an experienced nonprofit, full-service credit counseling agency.

NCPG Modernizing the National Problem Gambling Helpline

NCPG Modernizing the National Problem Gambling Helpline

The National Council on Problem Gambling (NCPG) is making significant improvements to the National Problem Gambling Helpline. The changes are expected to provide consistent standards across participating states and provide insights into those calling the helplines, ultimately making help more accessible to people in need of problem gambling information and support services.

There are four primary aspects to the modernization project, which began in 2021. The first was establishing a national helpline number, 1-800-GAMBLER, something that was initiated in 2022. The single national number means a reduction in the number of state helpline numbers that need to be listed in national gambling ads. It also ensures that anyone living in participating states will be automatically routed to their local state helpline when I dialing 1-800-GAMBLER.

The second part of the project is upgrading the technology. This involved improving telephony and routing systems, synchronizing text and chat data collection forms, and ensuring access to language translation for services for all contact centers within the National Problem Gambling Helpline Network. While this work isn’t flashy to the public, it ensures that everyone gets connected to their contact center efficiently and effectively, and that language is not a barrier to care.

The third portion of the project involves working with the 27 contact centers that comprise the network to help each one grow, standardize communication and training, and ensure the centers obtain accreditation with the appropriate governing body.

The final aspect of the project relates to data collection. NCPG is working with the various contact centers to get permission to gather specific helpline data. This will provide insights into trends about callers using the service and the reason for their call, ultimately allowing NCPG to better support advocacy efforts at the national and state levels.

NCPG’s Helpline Committee has developed more than 15 data points they’re seeking to obtain from the contact centers. Some of the information includes who is calling the helpline (family member, individual who gambles, etc.), the kind of gambling that has caused problems (sports gambling, lottery, etc.), and the type of referrals made (to treatment, to peer support, warm transfer to crisis services, etc.).

“This information will allow us to identify and forecast trends, which will inform state and national advocacy efforts,” says Jaime Costello, director of programs for NCPG. “For example, if we see that peer services are becoming a more common referral option, we’ll be able to help the states advocate for more resources. Data strengthens advocacy efforts.”

NCPG hopes to complete the initial stages of the National Problem Gambling Helpline Modernization Project by the end of the year and is hoping to extend the work beyond 2024. NCPG is seeking to secure additional or extended funding to ensure that the project can be continued through to completion. Funding for the National Problem Gambling Helpline Modernization has been provided by the NFL via the NFL Foundation.


Note: Minnesota will continue to advertise its own helpline number 1-800-333-HOPE (4673) for in-state messaging. If sports betting is approved, the NCPG helpline number will be used in ads to eliminate the need to have multiple numbers printed. Regardless of which number a Minnesotan calls, they will be connected to the state’s help center vendor.

Peer Support Specialists Play Vital Role in Problem Gambling Recovery

Peer Support Specialists Play Vital Role in Problem Gambling Recovery

As seen on The Phoenix Spirit. Read the original article Here.

By Bill Stein

There is great power in learning from someone who has “been there before.” People with similar lived experience may be able to listen and provide hope and guidance in a way that is uniquely received.

So-called “mental health peer support” has existed for decades. Since the 1990s, the concept of “consumers as providers” has become a larger component in mental health service settings.

Perhaps there is no more powerful example of the power of peer support than when a recovering compulsive gambler shares their story with someone still in the throes of addiction. Indeed, programs such as Gamblers Anonymous are built largely on the idea that others with similar challenges can lead the way to recovery.

Peer support specialists are people who have been successful in the recovery process and can help others experiencing similar situations. Peer support specialists have a proven place as a key component of integrated care for recovery.

What is a Peer Support Specialist?

A peer support specialist is someone with lived experience who is able to share that perspective with another person who has not yet achieved recovery from addiction. They provide a link between clinical services and “outside” supports and can help someone navigate the behavioral health system and find appropriate community resources. A peer provides an example of empowerment and success and can be a trusted role model. It’s often easier for a person seeking to begin recovery to talk with a peer support specialist than it is to talk to a counselor or attend a Gamblers Anonymous meeting. Peer support specialists can also foster trust in a healthcare system that has often disenfranchised many of those whom it serves.

The value of lived experience is helpful throughout the time a peer support specialist spends with a client but can be particularly helpful when the gambler is vulnerable to relapsing. Some peers are available 24/7 so that a gambler in distress can reach them at any time.

Benefits of Gambling Peer Recovery Support

Recovery from any addiction is a long process. Most people need support at various points throughout the difficult journey. While everyone’s struggle to achieve recovery is different, what each person has in common is the need to receive support in one form or another. Although the faces of addiction are many, all persons on the road to recovery need the support of others, who need to be familiar with what it means to be an addict.

There are four key elements to the support provided by the peer support specialists:

  1. Emotional support. The peer support specialist provides emotional support by encouraging the individual through empathy, concern or caring, and helping to strengthen confidence and self-esteem.
  2. Information source. The peer support specialist shares their knowledge about resources available to guide individuals to success, including access to treatment, which is often available at no cost.
  3. At a practical level, a peer support specialist can help people complete tasks necessary for successful recovery, such as helping with transportation and housing.
  4. A peer support specialist helps individuals gain a sense of belonging and being with others.

Peer support specialists may get involved in a range of activities, including:

  • Being a voice in individual, family, and group counseling.
  • Providing support to family members of problem gamblers.
  • Helping someone through financial counseling.
  • Being available by phone (including after hours).
  • Giving presentations, teaching, and providing training.
  • Being the voice of recovery providing input into program planning.
  • Serving as a connection to the “recovery community.”
  • Providing support in negotiations with the criminal justice system.

Many who work in recovery are in recovery themselves

Many people believe that individuals without shared experience cannot help those with addictions or fully understand what they’ve gone through. Studies provide considerable support for this contention. A review of existing studies found that the percentage of substance use disorder treatment providers who were in recovery was 33-50 percent. Those in recovery who are involved in client care have an ability to introduce their clients and patients to 12-step and other self-help supports in ways that those not in recovery are unable to do.

Provider Benefits

Peer support specialists that work within a treatment delivery system can provide an important benefit to providers. They can offer assistance with resources for those identified with a gambling problem and/or their family members. 

Trained Professionals

While specifics vary by state, there is a formal process for becoming certified as a peer support specialist. In Minnesota, peer specialists must have 30 hours of continuing education every two years in areas of mental health recovery, mental health rehabilitative services and peer support.

The Need for Gambling Peer Support Specialists in Minnesota

Unfortunately, peer support specialists are not currently approved as part of gambling treatment programs in Minnesota. However, a number of other states, including Maryland and Connecticut, recognize them as vital parts of treatment and recovery. In each of these state programs, gambling peer support specialists engage with an individual as soon as they call the state gambling helpline. While not everyone seeking help may be ready to sit down with a counselor, they may be receptive to having a conversation, or a series of conversations, with a trained peer before seeking formal counseling. In fact, each of these states have seen an increase in those seeking treatment since the inclusion of the peer support specialist, crediting the importance of those early conversations.

In Connecticut and Maryland, the gambling peer support specialist is an integral component to an individual’s recovery treatment plan, working in conjunction with the counselor as added support. Peer support specialists are also available post-treatment, maintaining connections as the person in their early recovery begins to negotiate their new way of being.

The Minnesota Alliance on Problem Gambling is working with the Minnesota Department of Human Services to bring peer support professionals into the treatment mix given their clear value in helping those with gambling addiction in their recovery journeys.



Working your recovery program is hard. To help assist those who may feel tempted to gamble online or visit a casino or card room, there are a few tools that may be helpful. None are foolproof, but if you are committed to your recovery, these tools may help.

GAMBAN – a voluntary, self-exclusion tool for online gambling sites.

Given that many gamblers may be moving online, especially during COVID-19 times, MNAPG is offering individual subscriptions for an online self-exclusion tool called Gamban. This tool enables the gambler to block tens of thousands of online gambling sites on all devices. MNAPG has purchased one-year subscriptions that can block up to 15 devices in one household. If you are interested, please email sstucker@mnapg.org and a link will be provided to set up the account.

New Feedback Tool for Minnesotans

New Feedback Tool for Minnesotans

New Feedback Tool for All Minnesotans

Minnesotans now have the ability to see how their gambling behavior compares with other residents of the North Star State. MNAPG now provides a survey that will provide both feedback and useful information.

The survey, produced in partnership with Evolution Health, provides information on a respondent’s gambling habits and attitudes in comparison with other Minnesotans. Survey takers are asked to provide their first names, basic demographic information and answers to questions about their level of engagement with gambling.

As answers are provided, a pie chart graph pops up so that the viewer can see how other Minnesotans participate in that particular form of gambling. The respondent will also receive a personalized report identifying where they fall in the problem gambling spectrum as well as tips and resources. The report is private and is not held by Evolution Health or MNAPG. Aggregate data will be collected and will not be identifiable by name, IP address or any other identifying method. Our hope is that as an individual is considering whether they are experiencing negative consequences relating to gambling that this will be the start of further personal awareness and opportunities to seek helpful resources. The survey can be found at HERE.

COVID-19 Spurs Increase in Telehealth Counseling

COVID-19 Spurs Increase in Telehealth Counseling

The COVID-19 pandemic has affected virtually all aspects of life. Gambling counseling is no exception.

Given the drastic reduction in social contact, we asked several gambling counselors about the state of gambling therapy and the changes they’ve observed.

Lisa Vig, Gamblers Choice
More of our clients are keeping appointments than we anticipated. It tells me that staying connected to recovery support is very important at this time. They have also been initiating and requesting additional individual support as well.


We use a variety of platforms, including Teams, Zoom and the phone. One accommodation we’ve had to make using these platforms is reducing the size of groups. It’s more difficult to manage attention spans, allowances for everyone to talk and receive the attention they need with eight or nine in one group. We’ve adapted by offering shorter groups, more often, with fewer attendees.


As a counselor, I find that takes a different level of energy to conduct telehealth counseling. When you’re not in the same room sharing the same space, you have to pay more attention to their voice, inflections, participation and engagement since the ability to watch body language or other expressions is compromised. The clients we have worked with have expressed gratitude at every opportunity to stay connected.


I think telehealth counseling has a very valuable place, especially in this part of the country where we are dealing with rural living and limited availability of counselors. At least 50 percent of our clients would benefit from the option of telecounseling. Being able to utilize a combination of in person and telecounseling to customize delivery of treatment services would be ideal.


Craig Johnson, Club Recovery
Once all of my clients became used to the change and requirements of the stay-at-home orders, my group attendance has been good. Most clients are participating and “showing” up for group.


Except for rare occasions, we are completely virtual. We use phone or a Telehealth platform to conduct interactions with all clients at every level of service we provide.


While counseling is not a “one size fits all” process, I think that at some level and some circumstances all clients can benefit from using a Telehealth platform. We need to adapt and move forward with as many innovations in reaching out to clients that we can. Since the beginning of the COVID-19 crisis, the treatment community has been advocating vigorously for the use of Telehealth platforms and CMS and DHS recently approved that all services we provide can be done with Telehealth. Telehealth is a capability that we must keep as an option to use when a client may not be able to access services via traditional means.


There is a great need for gambling disorder providers outside of the Twin Cities, Duluth and near Fargo. Without Telehealth, potential clients in those areas would not be able to get services. As a community of providers we must promote this capability wherever and whenever possible to reach all those who need help. This will be the main topic of discussion at the next meeting of the DHS Advisory Committee on Gambling Disorder on May 14.


Paul Mladnick, Solo Practice/Bridges & Pathways
I don’t think Telehealth counseling is ideal but I don’t think that much is lost. About half of my clients prefer to cancel appointments until we have the all clear. I’d say about 30 percent are coming to my office while about 20 percent are receiving counseling over the phone.


From a practical perspective, I am keeping my office sanitized prior to each session and I do practice social distancing in my office. I have noticed that the number of referrals is down since March 17, so I have considerable availability for those with a gambling problem or those concerned for family and friends.

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